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Total Battle WiKi: Tips and Tricks for Game Walkthrough

 TOTAL BATTLE - an Android game with the release date 11/23/2017 from the company Scorewarrior. Game Genre: Strategy. In the article, we summarized pumping tips from TOP players, developers' "answers to gamers" questions, guides for beginners from the official site, and our secrets for passing the game. Attention, the Wise Geek website is constantly updated, visit us more often.

Capitol. The Capitol reflects the level of development of your city. Improving the Capitol allows you to explore new quarters for development, improve the rest of the buildings to a higher level, increase the maximum number of allies that can assist you, and produce more gold bars.

Statistics. The statistics screen allows you to monitor various parameters of your city. The section "City", contains information about the condition of the walls, the number of barracks, and bonuses acting on various processes in the city. In the "Resources" section, you can find out more about the production of resources in the city.

Taxes. One way or another, but in the kingdom, there is always a royal treasury, in which it is necessary to pay taxes in the form of gold bars. With the help of gold bars, the king in the treasury will be able to purchase various bonuses for the entire kingdom or individual players.

Walls in the city. Walls - a powerful defensive structure. There are three walls in the city (east, west, and city gates). Each of them participates in the defense of the city and becomes a difficult obstacle for armies without siege weapons.

Walls in battle. During the battle, the walls attack after the catapults, but in front of all other enemy troops. Thus, if the enemy army does not have siege weapons, the walls can destroy it even on the outskirts of your city.

The restoration of the walls. Restoring walls requires building resources. After the battle, the destroyed walls cannot be restored for some time.

Production of resources. Resource buildings are necessary for the extraction and protection of resources from robbery. The construction of new similar buildings and an increase in the level of old ones increase the number of produced resources. Building resources are used for the construction and improvement of buildings, as well as for the restoration of walls.

Protecting resources from robbery. Part of the building resources in the warehouse is protected from looting by the armies of the enemy. Raising the level of mining buildings allows you to protect more resources.

Warehouse. A warehouse is used to store resources. The maximum storage capacity is determined by its level. Resources obtained from boosters, at resource points, or during successful attacks on other players fill the Warehouse beyond the limit.

Academy. The Academy is studying various technologies, but this requires points of valor and points of conquest. Increasing Academy level increases research speed.

Technology for Valor Points. Each time, destroying units of monsters on the world map, you get valor points. They can be spent on improving the guards in your army, developing the economy, logistics, and blacksmithing, improving the efficiency of crypt research, or opening new types of troops.

Technology for conquest points. In battles with other players, you will receive conquest points. They can be spent on upgrading specialists or your entire army.

Learning technology. Select the technology you want to learn and click "Explore." It takes some time to learn. However, you can speed up this process by asking your allies for help or by using the Accelerator. Most technologies have more than one level and can be improved.

Temple. Some of the troops killed in battle can be revived in the Temple. For the revival of the troops who died during the attack, gold is required, for those who died in the defense - silver.

Revival of troops. Select the type and number of warriors to revive and click Resurrect. The troops are reborn instantly and immediately ready to go into battle. Up to 90% of troops lost in the attack and up to 75% lost in defense are available for revival. Moreover, you have only 7 days to revive the dead unit, after which the troops will die completely.

The cost of rebirth. The cost of rebirth depends on the type of warriors, their number, and their level. The higher the level, the more expensive it will bring it back to life.

Forge. Of the materials found in crypts, items of equipment are created in the Forge. Outfitting improves some parameters of your hero and captains. Improving the Forge allows you to increase the speed of creating equipment.

Sets of equipment. All created equipment is divided into sets, each of which contains 6 items. Items from different sets give different bonuses. Some heroes get an additional bonus if they wear all 6 items from the same set.

Creating equipment. To craft an item, 4 specific materials are required. The quality of equipment, the cost, and the time of its creation depend on the rarity of the materials used. The creation process can be accelerated by asking for help from allies or by using the Accelerator.

The quality of the equipment. The higher the quality of the equipment, the more powerful a bonus it will give when worn on a hero or captain.

The combination of materials. Any 4 identical materials can be combined into one rarer material.

The choice of materials. Having studied the appropriate technologies, it will be possible to choose the rarity of the materials from which the equipment will be created. The use of rarer materials increases the likelihood of creating superior quality equipment.

Spraying gems. Any gem can be sprayed into Shimmering dust. The higher the quality of the gem, the more dust you get for spraying.

The creation of gems. From the Shimmering Dust, you can create a new gem. The higher the quality of the gem, the more dust will be required to create it. To master the skill of creating gems, study the appropriate technology at the academy.

Workshop of researchers. Flare oil is a resource necessary for the study of crypts. It is produced in the Workshop of researchers. Increasing the level of the workshop allows you to increase production and the maximum possible amount of stored oil.

Portal Wizard. Portals allow you to instantly send your troops to anywhere in the world map. To open the portal requires the presence of a special subject "Portal" or "Portal to a foreign kingdom" in the Items. You can attack the enemy through his portal even if his city is under the Peace Shield. At the same time, walls will not participate in the battle. Please note that if the enemy successfully attacks your city, then all the portals you open will be lost.

Types of portals. The world is not limited to only one kingdom, so there are several types of portals. The first type is a portal that can be opened using the "Portal" item. It allows you to move units within the kingdom in which your city is located. The second type is the portal, opened using the subject "Portal to a foreign kingdom".It allows you to move units to any kingdom in the world, but you can only use it during the Battle of the Kingdoms tournament.

Discover more portals. The number of portals that can be opened at the same time is limited and their duration is limited. Increase the building level of the Portal Wizard and learn the appropriate technologies to improve these parameters.

Caravan. Caravan workers transport resources over long distances but charge a tax of 20% of the transported resource for this.
Sending a caravan. To send, you must select the recipient city on the world map in which the Caravan building should be built. As for cargo, you can send construction resources, food, and silver.

Improvement of the caravan. Improving the building of the Caravan and studying the appropriate technologies at the Academy allows increasing the capacity of each caravan. In addition, there are technologies to increase the speed of movement of caravans.

Legion. Legion is a building that houses reinforcements from allies who have arrived in your city and contains all the information about them. With the growth of the Legion level, bonuses to the strength and health of the reinforcements sent by your increase.

Reinforcements in the city. Legion can hold an unlimited number of reinforcements. Troops stationed in the Legionate consume the food of the player who sent the reinforcements.

Sending reinforcements. Select an allied city and send troops using the Reinforcement button.

Barracks. Barracks increase the speed of training and the size of the training queue of troops. Build more barracks and gather an invincible army.

Army. Troops are necessary to: defend your city, attack and rob the cities of other players, capture resource points, destroy monsters and send reinforcements to allies.

Types of troops. The base of the army consists of units of two types of people: guards and specialists. Each of the types is most effective in its field. Guardsmen are best suited for the destruction of units of monsters, while experts are especially strong when attacking enemy cities. To recruit warriors, you need two resources: silver and food.

Mercenary monsters. In addition to guards and specialists in barracks, you can train hired monsters. This is a special type of troop, which, in turn, is divided into 4 types: dragons, elementals, giants, and animals. Each of them is much stronger than ordinary warriors and has specific bonuses. To hire monsters you need dragon coins and silver.

Characteristics of warriors. Each type of warrior has a bonus against another type of fighter or monster. To win with the least losses, correctly form your army, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy troops. In addition to bonuses, warriors have combat characteristics:

  • Leadership determines the number of guardsmen and specialists that your hero or captain can march on. Mastery determines the number of mercenaries in a march.
  • Superiority determines the number of hired monsters in the march.
  • Speed ?? determines the speed at which a combat unit moves on a map.
  • The initiative determines the order of troop moves in battle.
  • The cost of maintenance determines the amount of food that a warrior consumes every hour.
  • Carrying capacity determines the number of resources that a fighter can carry with him.
The quality of the troops. The higher the quality of a warrior, the greater strength and health he possesses. To hire a warrior of better quality, you need to learn the appropriate technology at the academy.

Food consumption. The shortage of food in the city leads to an increase in the cost of training troops in the barracks. In the absence of food, the strength and health of soldiers are reduced.

Farmers House. Farmers' houses produce food. Building new homes and raising their level increases the amount of food produced.

Protection against robbery. A large amount of food in the warehouse is protected from plunder by the houses of farmers. Increasing their level allows you to protect even more food.

Food consumption. Each warrior in your army consumes a certain amount of food. The shortage of food production leads to an increase in the cost of recruiting troops in the barracks. In the event of a complete lack of food in the warehouse, the strength and health of your soldiers are greatly reduced.

House of the nobility. Each House of nobility brings silver. Improve existing and build new homes to increase income.

Protection against robbery. Part of the silver in the city is protected from plunder. Increasing the level of noble houses allows you to protect more silver.

Wealth is the path to victory. Collected silver can be spent on training new troops, reviving soldiers who died in defense, or on creating and repairing equipment for the hero and captains.

Together you are power. Clans allow players to unite in large groups connected by a single name, coat of arms, ideology, and goals. By joining a clan, you can, together with your allies, build a clan capital and forts, expand your territory and activate various bonuses. Working together, capture the Throne of the kingdom and prove that your clan is the strongest in the known lands!

The wealth of the clan. Unlock clan chests to earn clan wealth points. More valuable chests bring more points. Several times a day, the head and senior clans can give participants a reward. Its size depends on the level of wealth of the clan. Explore crypts, destroy heroic monsters, and shop at the bank to become the richest clan of the kingdom!

Reinforcements. Some battles cannot be won alone. Allies can send reinforcements to each other and together plunder enemy cities, defend their own and destroy powerful heroic monsters. Each player in the city of which reinforcements are located can take them with him to the march. Please note that reinforcements cannot be taken to some marches (for example, to resource points or regular monster squads). Those killed in reinforcements return to the temple to their owner.

Clan Chests. You or any other clan player can give clan chests to all members of the alliance where you can find unique rewards. Clan chests appear in the "Gifts" tab when any clan player fully explores the crypt, kills a heroic squad of monsters on the map or makes a payment in the bank (this will give each player in the clan three chests).The better the purchased offer at the bank, the more valuable the chest will receive the clan.

Clan help. Any ally can help your development by speeding up the process of building, researching, creating equipment or training troops for free by 1%. The amount of assistance received from the allies depends on the level of your Capitol.

Clan portals. Members of the same clan can use each other’s portals.

Clan capital. Working together, you can build the capital of your clan, which will activate special clan bonuses.

The territory of the clan. After the construction of the capital, the area around it will be painted in the colors of your clan. This means that this territory belongs to your clan, and other clan buildings can be erected on it. The size of the territory dynamically changes depending on the level of the capital and the level of clan activity. Helping each other, the allies earn special points. These points are spent on maintaining the clan territory. The more points, the larger the size of the clan’s possessions. Enemies cannot teleport to their clan territory and open their portals.

Walls. In the clan capital, the function of the walls is performed by the following defensive structures: bombs, ballistic, and fortifications. They are strong enough to protect the capital from unprepared players.

Attack on the capital. Before attacking the clan capital, it is necessary to destroy all its forts. After the destruction of the fort, it will not defend the capital for 40 hours. Moreover, if the capital has an emergency shield of the world, then it is instantly activated when the last clan fort falls. After the end of the shield, the capital can be attacked. In the event of a successful attack, the clan of the winners will receive all the clan resources from the losing capital.

The restoration of the capital. The ruined capital must be restored within 7 days, otherwise, it will be destroyed forever. The restoration of the capital takes place over the usual construction resources, however, it requires the presence of at least one not destroyed fort in defense.

Clan bonuses. In the capital, you can activate bonuses that will act for some time on all members of the clan located in the clan territory. To activate any bonus, the clan resource "Religious Works" is required, and the maximum number of simultaneously active bonuses is determined by the number of forts.

Clan technology. In the capital for the resource "Scientific Proceedings," you can study clan technology. They constantly strengthen all members of the clan and increase the effectiveness of the clan infrastructure.

The territory of the clan. Each fort further expands the clan territory around itself. Moreover, the size of the territory around it depends on the activity of the clan and the level of the clan capital. Keep in mind that the construction of the fort will cost the more, the further it will be from the clan capital. To increase the maximum number of forts, study the corresponding clan technologies.

Walls. In a clan fort, the following defensive structures perform the function of walls: bombs, ballistae, and fortifications.

Attack on the fort. While at least one fort is active, it is impossible to attack the clan capital. After the destruction of the fort, it will not protect the capital and cannot be restored within 40 hours.

Fort restoration. The destroyed fort must be restored within 7 days, otherwise, it will be destroyed forever. The restoration of forts takes place over ordinary building resources.

Production buildings. Each clan has the opportunity to build production buildings that process conventional building resources into clan ones. Clan resources are used to improve clan infrastructure. Clan members must send resources to production buildings. Clan resources received are automatically credited to the account of the clan capital.

Production Modes. The efficiency of the production of clan resources depends on the number of construction resources available for processing. The more of them, the more efficiently clan buildings work. Production modes are switched automatically when the required mark is reached.

Bonuses from the area. Clan production buildings receive a production bonus if they are located in the appropriate area.

Army. Troops are necessary to: defend your city, attack and rob the cities of other players, capture resource points, destroy monsters and send reinforcements to allies.

Types of troops. The base of the army consists of units of two types of people: guards and specialists. Each of the types is most effective in its field. Guardsmen are best suited for the destruction of units of monsters, while experts are especially strong when attacking enemy cities. To recruit warriors, you need two resources: silver and food.

Mercenary monsters. In addition to guards and specialists in barracks, you can train hired monsters. This is a special type of troop, which, in turn, is divided into 4 types: dragons, elementals, giants, and animals. Each of them is much stronger than ordinary warriors and has specific bonuses. To hire monsters you need dragon coins and silver.

Characteristics of warriors. Each type of warrior has a bonus against another type of fighter or monster. To win with the least losses, correctly form your army, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy troops. In addition to bonuses, warriors have combat characteristics:

  • Leadership determines the number of guardsmen and specialists that your hero or captain can march on.
  • Mastery determines the number of mercenaries in a march.
  • Superiority determines the number of hired monsters in the march.
  • Speed ?? determines the speed at which a combat unit moves on a map.
  • The initiative determines the order of troop moves in battle.
  • The cost of maintenance determines the amount of food that a warrior consumes every hour.
  • Carrying capacity determines the number of resources that a fighter can carry with him.
The quality of the troops. The higher the quality of a warrior, the greater strength and health he possesses. To hire a warrior of better quality, you need to learn the appropriate technology at the academy.

Food consumption. The shortage of food in the city leads to an increase in the cost of training troops in the barracks. In the absence of food, the strength and health of soldiers are reduced.

With increasing levels, the hero not only increases his basic parameters but also receives a certain number of talent points. Distributing them according to the talent tree, you can receive additional bonuses that are suitable for your style of play. Talent points can be redistributed using the "Reset Talent Points" special item.

Avatar of a hero. The hero’s avatar can be changed using the subject "Change the hero’s avatar". When changing an avatar, the equipment, characteristics, and level of the hero will remain the same, however, each avatar has a unique animation of the march and battle, and some also have a special bonus.

Outfit of the hero. To receive a bonus from equipment, you must put it on the hero. To do this, click on one of the 6 cells for equipment and select the item that you want to place in it. Please note that only a certain type of equipment is inserted in each cell.

Talents of the hero. For each level, your character receives talent points that can be spent on learning talents. Talents strengthen your army, speed of construction and give a bonus in other game mechanics. Talents can be reset and redistributed using the item "Reset Talent Points", which can be purchased at the store. The learned talents always act on the hero, captains, your city, and your army, regardless of the location and condition of the hero.

Gem extraction. Any gem can be removed from one piece of equipment and reused in another. To do this, you need the item "Master’s Tongs", which can be purchased in Items. To extract high-quality gems, appropriate forceps must be used.

Repair equipment. If a hero or captain uses a certain item of equipment during an attack on an enemy, then this item loses 1 unit of strength. When its strength reaches zero, the item will need to be repaired, while its maximum strength will decrease. Broken items cannot be used.

Characteristics of captains. Main parameters:

  • Leadership determines the number of guardsmen and specialists that your captain can march on.
  • Mastery determines the number of mercenaries in a march.
  • Superiority determines the number of hired monsters in the march.

Also here you can see the unique bonuses of captains and bonuses received by them from wearing equipment.

Features captains. Each captain has a special bonus working on any march in which this captain is present. As the captain’s level rises, the special bonus increases.

Outfit of captains. To receive a bonus from equipment, you must put it on the captain. To do this, click on one of the 3 cells for equipment and select the item that you want to place in it.

Improvement of equipment. Each item of equipment has one slot for spells and gems. By inserting the appropriate improvement into the slot, you can make the equipment much stronger.

Repair equipment. If a hero or captain uses a certain item of equipment during an attack on an enemy, then this item loses 1 unit of strength. When its strength reaches zero, the item will need to be repaired, while its maximum strength will decrease. Broken items cannot be used.

Intelligence service. Before the attack, the city of another player can be scouted. Successful reconnaissance will allow you to learn about the composition of the army in the city of the player and the resources stored in his warehouse.

Attack on the city. Successfully destroying the defense of an enemy city, you can plunder its warehouses. The amount of loot depends on the carrying capacity of your troops. By destroying the troops of other players in the city, you also get the conquest points needed to learn technology. Note that when attacking another player, you will receive significantly more experience and conquest points than in defense.

Clan march. Members of the same clan can send reinforcements to each other in the form of military units, which can be taken with you on the march. Thus, with the support of allies, you can significantly increase your chances of a successful attack by an enemy city. Experience and conquest points are proportionally distributed among the participants in the march, depending on their contribution to the battle.

Attack on a squad of monsters. There are many monster squads on the world map, each of which can be fought by sending a march. In case of victory, you will receive valor points, and your hero or captain - experience. When destroying the strongest units, you can get more rare rewards.

Types of monster squads. All units of monsters are divided into 3 types: ordinary, rare, and heroic. You can send a march led by one of your captains to battle with a regular squad. Only an army led by your hero can cope with rare units. Destroying the heroic squads of monsters alone is almost impossible. To succeed in such a battle you will need the strength of all your troops and the help of allies. However, the reward will be appropriate - all members of your clan will receive a special chest containing worthy rewards.

Monster strongholds. Monster strongholds are scattered throughout the kingdom. In each citadel, there are several monsters and walls. The walls of the citadel work on the same principle as the walls in the cities of other players. So you need catapults to win. Depending on the type of citadel, in addition to experience and valor points, you can get either the master’s coins needed to create the best equipment or the key to a rare crypt with gems as a reward.

The study of crypts. In the crypts, you can find the materials necessary to create equipment items and resources. Find a suitable crypt on the world map and send the captain to it. The crypts are abandoned and not guarded, so troops are not needed for the march. Reward for crypt research up to 100% - a chest for each member of your clan. Technology research will open higher-level crypts.

Types and complexity of crypts. All crypts in the game are divided into 3 types: ordinary, epic and rare. To study each of them, a certain oil is required: flare for ordinary, epic for an epic and rare for rare. The higher the level of the crypt, the higher the complexity of its research and the more valuable reward you can get in it. However, a full study of high-level crypts requires more oil. To be able to send expeditions to more complex crypts, you need to study the appropriate technology at the Academy.

Ordinary and epic crypts. In ordinary and epic crypts, you can get materials to create equipment. Moreover, in crypts of a certain type, the probability of obtaining a certain material is higher. This fact must be taken into account in order to quickly create the necessary equipment.

Total Battle WiKi: Tips and Tricks for Game Walkthrough Total Battle WiKi: Tips and Tricks for Game Walkthrough Reviewed by Raihan Rumman on November 17, 2021 Rating: 5

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